Vincentian Spotlight - Chris Beeler
Below are the kind words Chris Beeler's fellow parishioners and Vincentians had to share about Chris:
Ann Lenz, Evangelization Coordinator at St. Frances Cabrini
What to say about my Chris Beeler? God drew me to St. Frances Cabrini in 2017. Long story. One of the greatest gifts thus far… Chris Beeler. Who knew that I thought God was drawing me to St. Frances Cabrini to serve and, instead, He wanted to give me one of the greatest gifts of my life – Chris Beeler. He is my brother, more than a dear friend. In my life, I’ve been loved well. But I guess that’s not quite enough for our sweet God. He always desires to give us more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3). Having a friend like Chris Beeler at an unexpected time in my life – more than I could ask or imagine. I mean that with my whole heart. We’re always being invited to more; we’re always being invited to love more. Chris Beeler has taught me to love more. I think of numerous times Chris was tasked with speaking in front of our sweet parish community about the St. Vincent de Paul Society, about the people he has encountered through this society. I’d like to tell you his words were profound. I can’t. He was crying so hard I could barely make out what he was saying. And yet, speaking of profound - his tears - evidence of his deep love and gratitude. His perspective on St. Vincent de Paul is Gift! To him definitely and to those being served. I cried, too. Heck, everyone did. And everyone fell more in love with our Chris Beeler. Chris is a man of deep faith. Daily Mass… every stinkin’ day! And at Mass, the parish hugger. Not my words, the words of Betty, and elderly disabled woman in the parish, a woman he brought to Mass every Tuesday - because that’s what Chris does. At St. Frances Cabrini, everyone knows Chris; everyone loves Chris. If they don’t love him, they don’t know him. What I know… God loves me so much that I know Chris Beeler. Forever. And I am so grateful. |
Larry Mruz, Ordained Deacon at St. Frances Cabrini
Regarding Chris, his life story and his conversion is remarkable. I’ve been at St Frances Cabrini for about 7 years. When I met Chris it was like he knew me all my life. Always calls me “brother”, always has a smile. Always positive. Always asking “how are you”, always concerned about whoever he meets. Chris always steps up to help. He is a great example of how to be Christ to everyone. He is a model Christian, smart, caring, hard-working, and much more. I can only strive to be like Chris. Doug Lenz, Ordained Deacon & Spiritual Director for St. Frances Cabrini’s SSVP Conference Chris refers to many people as "brother". I was blessed to be one of those people and I am far from alone. I think it is his way of saying that “friend” is not a strong enough term to convey the affection he has for those people. Chris knows how to be a good friend. He wants to truly know others and to walk with them, regardless of where that journey may take them and him. Chris is one of the single biggest blessings in my life....and I have had many! Chris loves the people he serves – truly loves them, and they sense it. They know instinctively that he is coming from a place of genuine caring, friendship and compassion. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like Chris. He is unassuming, is interested in others and very quick to laugh. He has the best sense of humor of anyone I know. He is just plain funny. While he is quick to joke, he has a depth to him that is truly remarkable. He loves to share with others how Jesus is working in their lives. I think his sense of humor disarms people and opens them up to share with him at a deeper level. That is the level where Chris feels most at home with people. |
Charlie Venditte, SSVP Vincentian at St. Frances Cabrini
Chris has brought me closer to Jesus. Chris, by example, has shown love and compassion towards all, especially those who are in need, whether it be for food, clothing, shelter, but especially by praying with and for those that we as Vincentians assist. Chris' faith has inspired me to realize the need to have God in our lives. We all have had challenges where we needed the guidance of our Lord, and Chris had a way of showing me that way. Chris has a special gift of knowing how and when to say the things he says that makes one understand how we can move forward toward the way God has called us. I see the way Chris has met with and served those in need, and he has always answered the call to help, regardless of where the person is in their struggles. Chris is nonjudgmental and just by being in his presence, I feel closer to God. I see Chris' commitment to serving his God as an example we should all follow. Chris not only talks the talk, but he walks the walk. And regardless of who he is meeting with, praying for, or having a conversation with in a social gathering, he displays the love and sincerity one would want in a friend. Chris is the best example of being a true disciple leading us to our Lord. I know Chris has helped me along the path that I need to be on. I thank God for bringing Chris Beeler into my life. I wished we would have crossed paths sooner. |
Karen Turner, SSVP Vincentian at St. Frances Cabrini
Chris is Mr. Wonderful and welcomes all with open arms. Chris inspires all to trust and believe that God is with us. Chris spreads joy through his easy spirit and love for His family, including the St. Frances Cabrini community and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Nick Tranisi, SSVP Vincentian at St. Frances Cabrini Chris Beeler is one of the most humble, empathetic, and selfless people I know. Whenever you need assistance in making calls or input as to how someone may be assisted due to difficult needs, Chris is there. In spite of his own adversity or need, Chris will selflessly help others. He shows love and a conscientious desire to be Christian in all circumstances. His actions are those of "placing others as more important than himself"…just as Christ would do. He is a great man. |
Richard Ortman, SSVP Vincentian at St. Frances Cabrini
I have worked with Chris for the past several years in St Frances Cabrini's St Vincent de Paul Society conference. Chris is a very dedicated, capable, caring and hard-working person. Chris is a joy to work with. Chris's dedication to SSVP makes me want to do all I can to support this organization. Seeing all the people in need who are helped by SSVP is so rewarding. Chris never tires of helping others, and his dedication to SSVP is incredible and inspiring for me. Barb Tranisi, SSVP Vincentian at St. Frances Cabrini Chris Beeler is one of the special ones - you can literally see that Christ is working through him. Chris’ kindness, love and care for those in need is truly inspiring. |
Father Damien Zuerlein, Pastor of St. Frances Cabrini When I was assigned to Cabrini there was not much happening in most areas of parish life. The Archbishop had given me the challenge to rebuild the parish. I had known Chris through a previous parish, and he came down to Cabrini and asked if I wanted his assistance with anything. He was familiar with St. Vincent de Paul so I asked if he would get our group started again. He took on the task and has done an outstanding job of developing a conference, keeping them focused on what matters, and truly caring for the poor who come to our door in need. He always makes sure that he prays with those who are seeking help and honors their human dignity in doing so. Leading the team he does a great job of encouraging others who are visiting with those who need help to do the same. I have heard countless stories from those we have helped and from other teams members about how much they have been touched by Chris’ ability to make Jesus’ love real. We truly experience a miracle on a regular basis because the more we help people, the more financial help we receive to continue the work. God has blessed us again and again. Chris has seen that miracle and that gives him the freedom to keep being generous – because God is generous. |
Jan Bode, Business Manager at St. Frances Cabrini
There is no other special friend I know that is more prayer-filled, spirit-filled, with love and trust in God more than my special friend and pew buddy, Chris Beeler. His love of Jesus and his relationship with Jesus is so evident in talking with him and spending time with him. I’ve told him many times, “I want what you have”, and how he inspires me to work on having that same relationship and trust. I love this guy and feel immensely blessed to call him my friend. Bill & Sharon Kingston, SSVP Vincentians at St. Frances Cabrini When we think of Chris, we add the letter "t" to the end of his name … and think of Christ! His leadership with SSVP is a gift to us. His faith-driven need to help the poor and disadvantaged is truly an inspiration to all of us. Chris humbly goes above and beyond his leadership role without seeking any praise or accolades. We love Chris and his love for others is evident in his actions and words. |